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Mercy Ship’s one-minute daily feature “The Mercy Minute®” encourages listeners to make a lasting difference in a world of need by following the example of Jesus. Whether your home is on land or sea, everyone has the ability to bring hope, one action at a time! 

Nov 30, 2020

Dr. Gary Parker has served onboard our hospital ships for 33 years. 

Nov 27, 2020

Everybody in the village in The Gambia loved Alasana the tailor. But the fabric of his own life was tearing apart. 

Nov 26, 2020

Surgeon Jos Claes from Belgium volunteered onboard our hospital ship, the Africa Mercy.  

Nov 25, 2020

On October 2, 2006, Charlie Roberts shot ten Amish girls in a Pennsylvania schoolhouse and then killed himself.  Five of the girls died.  

Nov 24, 2020

Dr. Rokhaya Thiam’s husband of 30 years was diagnosed with cancer in 2010. She gave up her successful medical practice in Senegal, to take care of him.