Mar 30, 2018
In 2009 the cargo ship, Maersk Alabama, was attacked off the coast of Somalia. As four heavily armed pirates boarded the ship, Captain Richard Phillips ordered his crew to lock themselves in the engine room.
Mar 29, 2018
Imagine being a parent of a child with a disability that could be surgically fixed – but there’s no help available. Imagine the hopelessness. Then a hospital ship arrives, and your child gets a free surgery. Imagine the joy! Crewmember Aisling Russell explains.
Mar 28, 2018
Baby Anicette was in the Mercy Ships Feeding Program for months to gain weight. She needed to be strong enough for a free surgery to repair her cleft lip.
Mar 27, 2018
Carolina is a Mercy Ships volunteer who developed a special bond with a six-year-old patient named Ruth. The little girl had been severely burned, and her face was quite scarred.
Mar 26, 2018
You can find opportunities to show mercy right in your own neighborhood. Joanne Downer of Delaware submitted this story to a magazine about her mom’s kindness.