Apr 30, 2018
Katie Woodard of Oklahoma volunteers onboard our hospital ship, the Africa Mercy. She wrote the following account of why she chose Mercy Ships.
Apr 27, 2018
Jeni Stepien’s father was murdered. His heart was donated to a man named Arthur Thomas. Over the years, the two families kept in touch by letters and calls.
Apr 26, 2018
Volunteering to serve onboard a hospital ship in Africa changes the volunteer in many ways. Nurse Kayla Innis explains.
Apr 25, 2018
Five-year-old Faharoa had a benign tumor that made her lips large and purple. Six-year-old Elina had severe burns that welded her right arm to her body. The girls received free surgery and physical therapy onboard our hospital ship over several months. And they also received love and acceptance from...