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Mercy Ships Founder and President, Don Stephens, shares in his daily podcast how you can make a lasting difference in a world of need by following the model of Jesus. Including stories collected from all over the world, and especially from those who volunteer with Mercy Ships, Don explains how we don’t have to look far for ways to show mercy.

Jan 29, 2016

Volunteer Matt Tveite serves as a Field Security Officer onboard our hospital ship, the Africa Mercy. His job includes going with assessment teams on upcountry trips. Listen as he describes how he heard about Mercy Ships.

Jan 28, 2016

At the seasoned age of 65, most people think of slowing down … but NOT Dan Hier! He volunteered for seven consecutive summer projects on our former Mercy Ship, the Anastasis. With toolkit in hand, he helped with massive renovation jobs.

Jan 27, 2016

Sir Nicholas was a Jewish stockbroker in London. During World War II, he abandoned everything to help Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi occupation.

Jan 26, 2016

Marta Chase volunteered as a nurse onboard our hospital ship. Listen as Marta describes working with cleft lip babies.

Jan 25, 2016

Estella Pyfrom retired from teaching and bought a custom-designed bus with 17 computer stations and high-speed Internet. On the side are the words “Have Knowledge, Will Travel” and “We bring learning to you.”