Oct 31, 2017
Helping others has its own reward … like a sense of fulfillment and purpose that comes when you reach beyond yourself. Dr. Mark Shrime is a wonderful surgeon who volunteers onboard our hospital ship. Listen as he explains.
Oct 30, 2017
Jason and Adrianne Stewart have two biological children and an adopted son. But they felt there was another child in the Philippines who needed them.
Oct 27, 2017
The treatment to correct club feet can take a long time. It requires many painful changes of leg casts over time. Mercy Ships volunteer Anna wrote about her observations of a club foot patient. Listen carefully.
Oct 26, 2017
Clementine Tengue is as a Patient Life Counselor onboard our hospital ship. She went to school in Ghana, learned French in Burkina Faso and moved to Togo. She’s worked with Mercy Ships since 1996. Listen as Clementine tells why.
Oct 25, 2017
Eight-year-old Valentin suffered severe burn injuries. He was the first surgery patient during our hospital ship’s 2016 field service in Benin, West Africa.