Mar 31, 2015
You’re never too young or too old to show mercy to others. Christie Fillhardt of Kentucky recently told Woman’s Day Magazine about her daughter’s creative idea for helping others.
Mar 30, 2015
Grace is seventeen years old and suffered from a life-threatening facial tumor for nine years!
Mar 27, 2015
While serving on our hospital ship, the Africa Mercy, volunteer crew members get the opportunity to work consistently with patients and develop personal relationships. Nurse Brenda Howson gives an example.
Mar 26, 2015
Imagine being a little three-year-old boy in Central Africa. Then imagine being carried onboard a huge white hospital ship, and someone takes you into a strange room with a big X-ray machine. That’s pretty scary stuff!
Mar 25, 2015
When volunteers in Los Angeles climb aboard the Do Good Bus, they have no idea where they’re going. The cheerfully decorated bus takes them to a day of work at a mystery charity.