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Mercy Ship’s one-minute daily feature “The Mercy Minute®” encourages listeners to make a lasting difference in a world of need by following the example of Jesus. Whether your home is on land or sea, everyone has the ability to bring hope, one action at a time! 

Feb 28, 2014

Seven-year-old Yaya was an orthopedic patient in Guinea.  When he was discharged from our hospital ship, he was heartbroken.  He didn’t want to leave his new friends...

Feb 27, 2014

Thierno lives in Guinea, West Africa.  He was a soccer player – young, strong, and fit – until tragedy struck.  Here’s his story:

Feb 26, 2014

One evening, 15-year-old Marcos Ugarte was doing his homework when he heard yelling outside.  A neighbor’s house was on fire...

Feb 25, 2014

he best part about the medical care Mercy Ships provides is celebrating with the patients afterwards! Stephanie Fiduk is a volunteer nurse onboard the Africa Mercy.  She works with women who receive free surgery for a childbirth injury called obstetric fistula.  And she helps them celebrate!

Feb 24, 2014

ith tear-filled eyes, Jim and Terry Orcutt of Massachusetts, sat on the sofa.  They’d just watched a movie about the homeless and very poor in America, and they felt they should do something.  So, they bowed their heads and prayed, “God, if You will help us, we’ll do whatever it takes.”