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Mercy Ship’s one-minute daily feature “The Mercy Minute®” encourages listeners to make a lasting difference in a world of need by following the example of Jesus. Whether your home is on land or sea, everyone has the ability to bring hope, one action at a time! 

Jun 30, 2016

Mercy Ships provides free surgeries in the world’s poorest countries. But we also offer free training to local healthcare providers. Mercy Ships volunteer nurse Heidi Niclas describes training nurses in Madagascar

Jun 29, 2016

Ed Robinson of Niles, Indiana, had been diabetic for many years. He had a stroke in 2005. The stroke combined with the diabetes negatively impacted his kidneys, and he went into renal failure.

Jun 28, 2016

It was a quiet African evening in the hospital ward of the Mercy Ship.   Khalisile, a 76-year-old cataract patient scheduled for surgery, sat with his head in his hands. Crewmember Warrie sat down beside him and told him about God’s love.

Jun 27, 2016

Mercy Ships provides free surgeries to the world’s poorest. A volunteer crewmember from Holland points out that it’s not just the physical healing for our patients

Jun 24, 2016

Today is International Day of the Seafarer. Our deck crew, engineers, and stewards keep things running smoothly so our hospital ship can function.